Tax-deductible tribute gifts are a wonderful way to commemorate or honor a special person or occasion.
- CELEBRATE birthdays, bar/bat mitzvahs, weddings, anniversaries, births, graduations
- HONOR family members and friends
- REMEMBER special people
- OFFER condolences
- RECOGNIZE achievements, life milestones
When you make a tribute gift, the RFC will both acknowledge your contribution and notify the honoree or other designated individual(s) such as family members, provided you supply the necessary name and contact information.
To make a fast, secure tribute gift online now, click here.
To make a tribute gift by mail, send your check payable to the Rosenberg Fund for Children to 116 Pleasant St., Suite 348; Easthampton, MA 01027. If you wish us to notify someone of the gift, please be sure to include the reason behind your contribution (as in, "in honor of the 50th birthday of Ben Kaplan"), plus the name(s) and address(es) of those to receive the notification.