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And the Winner Is...

Earlier this week, I asked RFC supporters for their help naming this blog. I was thrilled to get so many enthusiastic responses and thoughtful suggestions! You can read some of the comments right on the “Name That Blog” post. Many other replies came to me by email. Your ideas for a title included “The Silver Lining,” “From the Belly of the Beast,” “Out On a Limb for Justice,” and “Children of Change,” among others.

Many others chimed in to support my original idea of “Out on a Limb.” A former RFC beneficiary commented, "'Out on a Limb' is an attention grabber and is appropriate and fitting on many levels: 1) it speaks to the fund going 'out on a limb' to assist youth of targeted activist, 2) the targeted activist going 'out on a limb' to fight for something greater than themselves, 3) and the youth who are left 'out on a limb' after their parents have been jailed and/or murdered." Another RFC supporter replied, “I am all for the blog and like ‘Out on a Limb’ which so many of us have been so often.”

But the title suggested by RFC supporter, Amy Bookbinder, resonated most strongly across the board. She wrote, “How about ‘Out On a Limb Together’?” Many of you endorsed that suggestion with comments like, “I like the ‘Out on a limb together’ idea... because you have created a community to step out with you.”

Thank you, Amy, and all of you, for your feedback. It was fascinating and very heartening to hear from so many of you about what our community means to you and how to best represent it in this forum.

Today we may have to go "Out on a Limb Together," but we are working for a future when this is unnecessary. In the words of a former RFC beneficiary, "I hope that someday, the RFC won't be needed. But in the meantime, the RFC community welcomes us, and helps us understand that even though families are targeted and our situations may be difficult, we are not alone.”
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Bravo to "Out On a Limb Together" as the title for the blog!

I enjoyed reading the various suggestions and seeing how other RFC supporters think about this organization and community.

I agree that "Out on a Limb Together" is a good title for this blog. And it was fun to read other supporters' suggestions: naming exercises are often a good way of capturing the essence of something.