Over the past 20 years, the RFC has received numerous legacy gifts from the estates of dozens of people. This most thoughtful help honors us. Such gifts both venerate my parents’ memory and play a central role in building a permanent institution to benefit future generations.
You have the power to ensure that the RFC will remain a consistent source of support for children of targeted activists for many years to come by remembering the RFC in your will. My parents wrote in their final letter to my brother and me: “We died secure in the knowledge that others would carry on after us.” I have worked through the RFC to justify that trust, and with a bequest you can make sure that others will carry on after you.
Please take the time now to add the RFC as a beneficiary of your estate. You can call (413) 529-0063 or email rfc@rfc.org, and I will provide you with the information you need. It may take generations to transform our society, but with a legacy gift you can project your financial support into the future and help bring about that change.
—Robert Meeropol