Ethel at 100, the Rosenberg Fund for Children at 25

RFC Executive Director Jenn Meeropol to speak at the Community Church of Boston

Ethel and 100, the Rosenberg Fund for Children at 25

Were she still living, Jenn Meeropol's grandmother, Ethel Rosenberg, would turn 100 on September 25, 2015. The same month will also mark the 25th anniversary of the Rosenberg Fund for Children. One hundred years after her birth and more then 60 years after her execution, what does Ethel mean to us today? What lessons can we draw from her life and death? Jenn will explore how the popular press, prosecutors, the defense, supporters, leading political figures, films, and the highly charged political and cultural climate “framed” how people perceived Ethel then and now and what this means for today’s targeted activists and their families.

  • Community Church of Boston, Lothrop Auditorium
  • Sunday, June 8, 11 am
  • free and open to the public
  • (617) 266-6710 for more information