Newly released document from the NSA confirms Ethel Rosenberg was executed for a crime she didn’t commit

Newly released document from the NSA confirms Ethel Rosenberg was executed for a crime she didn’t commit
2024 Exonerate Ethel

Death Penalty Focus

Mary Kate Delucco

September 23, 2024

The National Security Agency released a 74-year-old previously classified document “confirming that the U.S. government knew that Ethel Rosenberg was not a spy long before her trial and execution,” the Rosenberg Fund for Children announced this month.

The RFC says the files acknowledge that the government “knew Ethel Rosenberg never spied for the Soviet Union. . . . Her conviction was based on perjured testimony and prosecutorial and judicial misconduct. The only evidence against Ethel at trial was given by proven liars, David and Ruth Greenglass. . . . [the] files state there was insufficient evidence to indict Ethel but that she could be used as a ‘lever’ against her husband.”