In the 1970’s, following a screening of a documentary about the Rosenberg case, Bob Winston, a life-long social justice advocate, introduced himself to Robert Meeropol. What followed was a friendship lasting more than 35 years. After Robert started the RFC in 1990 he tapped Bob to become the first Chair of the Board of Directors.
They didn’t know then that Bob’s leadership of the Board would last 20 years until his retirement this September. He chaired approximately 140 meetings, served on RFC committees and participated in all of the Fund’s major public programs, whether they took place locally in western Massachusetts, or in Boston, New York City or Berkeley, CA. Bob also attended other events; participated in countless consultations with Board and staff members; and with his wife, Jan, hosted the Board’s annual picnic at which he claimed to serve chicken with “all left wings and no red necks.”
The RFC is most grateful and honored to have had Bob Winston’s guidance and service for two decades, and has created the short video tribute below.