News & Events

Still Out On A Limb

In just a few days I turn the Executive Director’s job at the RFC over to my daughter Jenn.  Most of my time these last few weeks has been spent handing over my responsibilities to her, and going through the accumulated papers, books, and stuff of 23 years.

A number of people have asked me what I intend to do with my blog.  When I started writing these short essays four years ago, I didn’t know if I’d like it.  But 200 posts later, I don’t want to stop.

Of necessity, this ends my RFC blog, but I intend to continue writing. I will take a break for several weeks and then begin my new blog, Still Out on a Limb.  The RFC will send out an email to all our contacts with the link once my new blog is up and running.  Look for that message early in the fall.  I plan to continue writing about current events, with an emphasis on environmental and human rights issues.

I appreciate your interest in and comments on my blogs, and look forward to continuing that conversation.  And of course I appreciate deeply your support of the RFC, and hope you continue your engagement with our work.  The children of targeted activists and targeted activist youth need our help even more today than they did when I started the fund in 1990.  Please help Jenn and the rest of the RFC staff meet that most pressing need during the remainder of 2013 and for many years to come.


Submitted by

Anonymous (not verified)


I'm looking forward to your future blogs, and staying in touch with you during the next phase of your life journey. Best wishes to Jenn and the rest at RFC to keep pace with the compelling need.

Kathy Partridge,

Submitted by

Anonymous (not verified)


Thank you for all that you have done and will continue to do. Every Good Wish.