The RFC is 30!
The Rosenberg Fund for Children celebrates 30 years of supporting the children of targeted, progressive activists and target activist youth.
Founded in the fall of 1990 by Robert Meeropol, the younger son of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, the RFC was his “constructive revenge,” a way to honor his parents and the progressive community which supported him and his brother as children, and transform the violence visited upon his family into a powerful positive force in the lives of other children who suffer when their parents face targeting for their progressive efforts.
30 years later, the RFC continues to carry forward the legacy of Ethel & Julius Rosenberg, providing for the emotional and educational needs of the children of targeted activists and young activists targeted for their own organizing. The Rosenberg Fund for Children provides the shelter of a supportive community for children whose parents are working for social justice, and -- as a direct result -- have lost their livelihood, their liberty, their physical or emotional well-being or even their lives in the course of that work.
To celebrate our 30 anniversary, the RFC has compiled a collection of materials commemorating the resilience of the RFC community and all that we have achieved, together.
A celebratory video compilation of interviews with RFC community members on the founding of the RFC and the importance of supporting activists targeted by oppression and their families. Includes an opening statement by RFC Founder Robert Meeropol and Executive Director Jenn Meeropol, and interviews with activist families, long standing supporters and RFC Board members.

A summary of the RFC’s key accomplishments over the past five years (2015-2020). Highlights include beneficiary profiles, events and Gatherings, and the Exonerate Ethel campaign.

While we wish we could have safely gathered together to celebrate the RFC's 30th anniversary in 2020, we were thrilled to be able to offer a virtual program to mark this milestone. The videos focus on inter-generational activism, repression, local and global community, and where to find inspiration in difficult times as well music and poetry from activist artists.