Our Granting Programs

The Rosenberg Fund for Children provides for the educational and emotional needs of children of targeted progressive activists, and youth who are targeted activists themselves. In most instances, professionals and institutions directly receive the grants to provide services at no or reduced cost to beneficiaries.

Child showing painting

Who Can Apply?

Applications may be submitted by parents, custodians, and guardians to benefit children (under age 18) in the United States whose parents' pursuit of progressive values has left them unable to fully provide for that child as a result of being targeted as outlined above. The young adult children (ages 18-24) of targeted activists may submit applications on their own behalf.
Applications may also be submitted by or on behalf of targeted activist youth (under age 25) whose targeting has resulted in a significant and ongoing adverse life impact.

Apply now here.

Application Deadlines:

March 21 & October 13

Applications are considered twice each year. The deadline for applications for Spring grants is March 21st and for Fall grants is October 13th. The RFC Board of Directors awards all grants.

For questions or assistance, please contact the Granting Coordinator, Cleo Rohn, at granting@rfc.org or 508-275-2258. 

Targeted Activist

Who is a "Targeted Activist"?

The RFC defines "targeted" as someone who as a result of their activism has: lost a job; suffered physical or mental injury or disability; been harassed or discriminated against; been imprisoned; or died. "Progressive activities" are actions taken to further the beliefs that:

  • All people have equal worth
  • People are more important than profits
  • World peace is a necessity
  • Society must function within ecologically sustainable limits

Granting Program Details

Basic Info Sheet




Group Grant

Group Grants

Although we usually receive applications from parents on behalf of their children, in special cases (for instance when anonymity is required for personal safety) we accept applications directly from a program or provider on behalf of a group of young people who meet our granting guidelines. In addition, programs focused on serving the educational and emotional needs of children in a community that has experienced pervasive repression in response to the community’s resistance to oppression can apply directly to the RFC for a group grant.

Recent Grants

Mom Fights Workplace Discrimination

$5000 for sports programs for four children, ages seven to 15, whose mother was harassed and fired for forming a group within her workplace for employees to share stories of workplace discrimination… Read More
Labor & Economic Justice

Gender Justice Authors Face Bans

$3000 for sports and supplies to build a computer for two children, ages 13 and 15, whose activist parents authored a children’s book about gender-nonconforming youth that is being banned widely by… Read More
Gender Equality, LGBTQ, & Reproductive Rights

Pro-Choice Activist Jailed

$3000 for music and arts programs for two 18 year-olds whose mom, an OB-GYN and pro-choice activist, is serving an excessive sentence of prison time and probation for spray painting the outside of a… Read More
Gender Equality, LGBTQ, & Reproductive Rights

Peace Activist Doxxed

$3000 for dance, soccer and gymnastics for the five and 10 year-old children whose mother was arrested and then doxxed for peacefully occupying the property of a major weapons manufacturer to protest… Read More

Family Flees Torture

$2800 for soccer, arts and crafts, and tutoring for three children ages 12 to 15 whose father was a prominent anti-torture activist in his home country until he himself was detained and tortured. The… Read More

Journalist Attacked and Jailed

$1500 for chess club, sports and tutoring for the 11 year-old son of an antifascist organizer and independent journalist who was physically assaulted and threatened by armed Proud Boys while covering… Read More
Civil Liberties