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20 + 47 = 1 million

I was asked at our New York City program on June 19th how we intend to keep the RFC going. My questioner pointed out that the generation of the 1930’s is passing, and the generation of the 1960’s is aging. My response was: “Bequests!”

That’s only one of a number of ways, including involving new, younger generations of activists and their supporters, but it is the one I will address in this blog. In its 20-year history the RFC has received over $1,000,000 from the estates of 47 far-sighted individuals. These bequests form the core of our Granting Fund Endowment. Earnings from that endowment now make up almost a quarter of our annual granting budget.

These bequests have created a steady stream of income that nurtures dozens of kids each year, and will continue to aid these children for many years to come. Yes, it is a struggle to raise the other 75% of our granting budget in hard times, but with our community’s tremendous support and the additional income generated by these bequests we’re making our best efforts to meet our granting needs.

Over 100 others have notified us of their intention to make a bequest to the RFC. We are honored by and most grateful for this decision. However, that means there are thousands more of our supporters who, as far as we know, have not taken this action. It isn’t a difficult thing to do. The simplest way to include the RFC in your will is to insert language similar to what follows:

“ I give, devise and bequeath the Rosenberg Fund for Children, a 501(c)(3) organization, whose address is 116 Pleasant Street, Suite 348, Easthampton, MA 01027, the sum of _____ dollars (or describe real or personal property, or ___% of my estate) to be used for its general purposes.”

I suggest consulting an attorney about what seems most appropriate. I will be happy to provide him or her with proof of our tax-exempt status, and answer any other questions he or she might have.

To honor our 20th anniversary and ensure we’ll be able to help kids in need for decades to come, please take the time now to consider making the RFC a beneficiary of your estate. You can call (413)-529-0063 or email, and I will provide you with the information you need. It may take generations to transform our society, but with a legacy gift you can project your financial support into the future and help bring about that change.

My parents wrote to my brother, Michael, and me in their last letter: “We died secure in the knowledge that others would carry on after us.” Bequests to the RFC justify that trust.


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For me it was obvious that all the young people you have helped will carry on with great zeal! But I loved your quick and really funny but true answer: "Bequests!"