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Rev. Clare Ove… (no verificado)

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My dear Ms Brownell ~Konah ~KoKo,
Wow! I am so very moved by your personal story and how you have seized every possible opportunity here in your adopted country, to not only get an education, but one you have been able to tailor to your life's work. I, too, have long been a social justice advocate ~ as an adult, but it took me years and the experience of living among the most disenfranchised people in our society to finally figure that out. You admired your father's good work, even as you suffered as did he and your entire family from those who tried to stop him and denigrate his work. But, as his daughter, you were not deterred, but only spurred on by that oppression!

I am so encouraged reading your piece for it's crystal clear you have already "hit the ground running," and will have many more opportunities to share your enthusiasm, your learning and your innate talents.

Godspeed, my friend, I look forward to hearing reports of your good work for years to come!
Peace to you, and to your family,

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