Convicted bomber Raymond Luc Levasseur to speak at Northampton fund-raiser for Rosenberg Fund for Children

Diane Lederman, The Republican October 15, 2010 NORTHAMPTON – The last time convicted bomber Raymond Luc Levasseur was scheduled as part of a panel at the University of Massachusetts, the planned... Read More

Activist Ray Levasseur Comes to WMass - A Year After Denial By UMass

AMHERST, MA (wfcr) - Ray Levasseur -- a former radical political activist -- is making his first appearance in Western Massachusetts since 1989, when he was tried for sedition in Springfield as part... Read More

Board, volunteers key to Rosenberg Fund's success

By Daily Hampshire Gazette Created 10/14/2010 To the editor:

Former inmate, activist now free to speak out

By Rick Wormwood October 12, 2010 Last year, when Ray Luc Levasseur was invited to speak on the University of Massachusetts — Amherst campus to commemorate the anniversary of a federal sedition trial... Read More

The Price of Activism

By Stephanie Kraft Thursday, October 14, 2010 Activists who abandon normal lives to serve political and social causes suffer in many ways. They may lose their lives; they may go to prison; they may... Read More

Gala Offers Chance to Hear Ray Levasseur

To the editor: I am writing to applaud reporter James Lowe for his Sept. 25 stories on the Rosenberg Fund for Children's upcoming 20th Anniversary Gala in Northampton, featuring Ray Levasseur as... Read More

Rosenberg Fund marks 20 years helping children of militant activists

By James Lowe, staff writer Saturday, September 25, 2010 NORTHAMPTON - When militant activist Raymond Luc Levasseur was locked up in some of the country's highest-security prisons, the Easthampton-... Read More

After thwarted visit last year, Levasseur poised to appear in Valley next month

By James Lowe, staff writer Saturday, September 25, 2010 NORTHAMPTON - Protests and parole restrictions thwarted Raymond Luc Levasseur's last planned visit to the Pioneer Valley, but won't prevent... Read More

Ser hijo de un espía, una dura pesadilla

viernes, 09 de julio de 2010 15:55, Teresa Bouza

Filhos dos espiões russos deixados para trás

Ricardo Lourenço, correspondente nos EUA ( 21:44 Sexta feira, 16 de Julho de 2010

BBC Newshour (radio) interview with Robert Meeropol 07/08/10

July 8, 2010 radio interview with Robert Meeropol on BBC Newshour, regarding what his experience was like when his parents were arrested in the 1950's, and what he thinks the experience might be like... Read More

What will happen to the children of the Russian agents?

The ten agents who admitted gathering intelligence for Russia have arrived back in Moscow after being deported from the US, but what is the fate of their American-born children?...

Future uncertain for children of accused Russian agents

By Dugald McConnell, CNN July 2, 2010 7:10 p.m. EDT Washington (CNN) -- What will happen to the children of the suspects jailed this week on accusations of spying?

Mystery surrounds alleged spies' children

With parents behind bars, kids' lives likely in turmoil by Elizabeth Chuck and Ryan McCartney updated 6/30/2010 7:00:35 PM ET

Russian spies' families: 'For the children it's very scary'

Seven children belong to the four couples charged with being spies for Russian intelligence services Chris McGreal in Washington, Wednesday 30 June 2010 21.14 BST

Accused Russian spies' children face 'nightmare' of jailed parents, family stigma

Published: Wednesday, June 30, 2010, 8:00 AM By Judy Peet

KPFK Radio interview with Robert Meeropol, April 21, 2010

ROBERT MEEROPOL talks about the 20th anniversary of the Rosenberg Fund for Children and reports on new info on the Rosenberg case in the new book Exoneration by Emily and David Alman.

"Where Are They Now? Michael and Robert Meeropol"

Robert Meeropol, son of executed Julius and Ethel Rosenberg By: Kitty Bennett | Source: AARP Bulletin Today | April 4, 2010