
We are honored to learn that The Guardian named this article one of their "US editor's pick: best of 2021." It was originally published on June 19th, on the 68th anniversary of Ethel and Julius... Read More

It’s a rainy, fall day. Perfect reading weather. 🍂 Returning to this brilliantly written biography by Anne Sebba, "Ethel Rosenberg: An American Tragedy." In one passage, Sebba relates the story of... Read More

Rosenberg Mention of the Day, courtesy of an excellent review of Anne Sebba’s biography of Ethel (we especially appreciate the reviewers conclusion re: Anne & Abel Meeropol): “Nearly 70 years... Read More

Rosenberg Mention of the Day: A review of Anne Sebba’s biography by Martha Sonnenberg that “must, of necessity, begin with a personal note..." "When I was 13 years old, my mother took, from the deep... Read More

Today’s Rosenberg MOTD comes from “across the pond” courtesy of what sounds like a fascinating literary festival: “In an age of fake news that can create misinformation on crucial issues, Ilkley... Read More

Rosenberg Mention of the Day: We're mourning the loss of David Alman, a major figure in the Rosenberg Case struggle who died earlier this month at the age of 102. He & his wife Emily were... Read More

#OnThisDay in 2015, "Ethel Rosenberg Day of Justice in the Borough of Manhattan" was declared on Sep 28, Ethel's 100th birthday. In honor of this momentous day, we share some of the powerful remarks... Read More

Rosenberg Mention of the Day: Sharing Foreign Affair's latest review of "Ethel Rosenberg: An American Tragedy", a brief statement acknowledging that prejudice (misogyny, antisemitism, anti-communism... Read More

Rosenberg Mention of the Day: Sharing a lovely and fitting tribute to legendary actor Ed Asner (an "unflagging supporter of socialist causes") which shares a number of stories of his art &... Read More

Rosenberg Mention of the Day: We're pleased to share Ellen Meeropol's publication for Lilith Magazine, a thoughtfully crafted reflection on two recently published books focused on Ethel Rosenberg.... Read More

Excellent news to share! Ivy Meeropol (granddaughter to the Rosenbergs)'s documentary "Bully. Coward. Victim." has been nominated for a 2021 Emmy for Outstanding Historical documentary! The film... Read More

Rosenberg Mention of the Day: New from WAMC Northeast Public Radio, an illuminating interview with both Michael Meeropol, older son of Ethel & Julius Rosenberg, and author Anne Sebba to discuss... Read More

Sharing one of our #notesfromourcmmty today. This one is from an RFC supporter who gathered in support of the Rosenbergs with their family all those years years ago ♡ To all who hold the legacy of... Read More

Rosenberg Mention of the Day: ICYMI - RFC Founder Robert Meeropol & NYT bestselling author Anne Sebba discuss Sebba's latest biography which focuses on the life of Ethel Rosenberg, the wife and... Read More

Rosenberg Mention of the Day: ICYMI - Jenn Meeropol's "Exonerating Ethel" presentation delivered on June 6th, 2021 to the Community Church of Boston to commemorate the 68th anniversary of the... Read More

Rosenberg Mention of the Day: Stories and donations continue to stream in to the RFC in response to the June 19th anniversary of Ethel & Julius Rosenberg's executions. Here's one of the #... Read More

Rosenberg Mention of the Day: The Guardian reviews "Ethel Rosenberg: A Cold War Tragedy" (the UK title of Anne Sebba's new biography) -- "Sebba has dug deep beneath this famous and archetypically... Read More

Rosenberg Mention of the Day: On Tues 6/29 at 7PM EDT, the Odyssey Bookshop is hosting a free (virtual) event, a conversation with Anne Sebba, author of "Ethel Rosenberg: An American Tragedy" and RFC... Read More