Today’s Rosenberg Mention of the Day comes from a fascinating review of current TV series, including “Fellow Travelers.”
Author Victoria A. Brownworth clearly is a fan of the show, and a historian, which is evident in the following political commentary, which introduces the review:
“The GOP has been pushing revisionist history as long as we have been alive, but regrettably, Democrats often do this, too, though usually in the spirit of bipartisanship (which we don't think you can have when the other party is fundamentally dishonest and, well, fascist). One thing we hear a lot of and see repeated like a mantra on social media is that there are moderate Republicans (there are not). A name invoked time and again is President Dwight Eisenhower. Our degrees are in history, so we always have the same response to this: ‘You mean the Eisenhower who executed Julius and Ethel Rosenberg? Did you realize they were only 35 and 37? Or the Eisenhower who fomented and supported the House UnAmerican Activities Committee (HUAC) hearings and GOP Sen. Joseph McCarthy's witch hunt for Communists? Or the Eisenhower who signed Executive Order 10450, which barred gay and lesbian Americans from being employed by the federal government?’”
Read the full review and learn more at
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