In the aftermath of the exoneration campaign, I’ve been thinking a lot about my grandparents’ certainty, shared in their last letter to their sons (my father and uncle) just before their execution, that others would carry on after them. That belief is core to the RFC project. My father often described the RFC, especially in our early days, by explaining that if it was going to take generations to bring about true, meaningful change to a more just society, then we needed to support institutions committed to carrying forward and passing on progressive values from one generation to the next.
For the RFC, that means first and foremost supporting activist families to minimize the impact of targeting on children whose parents are fighting for that more just world. In practice it has meant awarding grants to send kids to progressive summer camps and schools and therapists and art programs. This financial support provides vital therapeutic, educational and fun activities for young people while also providing critical financial resources to often underfunded progressive institutions to hopefully ensure their sustainability.
Bequests are a critical component of making this all possible. Individuals who include the RFC in their estate planning are passing on necessary resources to allow us to stand with the children of resistance now and in the years and even decades to come. Testimonials included with previous bequests make it clear what motivated these gifts:
“We are very happy to be sending this bequest, both because it was [the departed’s] wish but also because of our own belief that the work of the Rosenberg Fund for Children is important and valuable.”
“[My husband] especially liked the RFC because of the attention it gave to the needs of people standing up for their rights who have children.”
“As a red diaper baby I take particular personal pleasure in conveying this check [from my mother’s estate] to you.”
Just as my grandparents wrote in their last letter, a bequest will help ensure that others will carry on after you are no longer able. Please consider adding the RFC as a beneficiary of your estate. If you need more information you can call me at (413) 239-2711 or email, and I will be happy to assist you.