News & Events


From the Executive Director

From the Executive Director
Jennifer Meeropol is the granddaughter of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg and the daughter of RFC Founder, Robert Meeropol.  Jenn became the Executive Director of the RFC on September 1, 2013.  Prior posts on this page were written by Robert (unless otherwise noted), and represent his opinions, which are not necessarily shared by the RFC.

While we wish we could have safely gathered together to celebrate the RFC's 30th anniversary in 2020, we were thrilled to be able to offer a virtual program to mark this milestone. The five videos that form the discussion were taped on Saturday, May 9th, 2020 via Zoom, bringing together participants in South America as well as the east and west coasts of the United States to discuss inter-generational activism, repression, local and global community, and where to find inspiration in difficult times as well music and poetry from activist artists. Watch the series of videos and learn about the artists and activists who participated in this virtual celebration.

Kids wondering if their father will go to prison this summer for participating in a nonviolent demonstration. Young siblings staying with relatives as their dad—already struggling financially after he was fired from his job for his organizing—couch surfs while their mom self-isolates with a fever and other worrisome symptoms.

This spring the RFC awarded:

  • 67 grants totaling $149,610 to support 151 kids from 75 families, including a group grant for a music therapy program

  • An additional, special grant of up to $18,400 for$200 individual grocery gift cards to all current families who are eligible for our grant funding. So far, we’ve sent cards to 57 families to help support 116 kids.

  • That brings to total granted by the RFC to over $7.5 million!

Everyone at the RFC sends their love and sympathy to those of you who are experiencing hardship or loss related to the current crisis. I also want to thank the many of you who have sent us messages of solidarity and concern or continued to donate to support our work. I’m so grateful to you for being part of the remarkable community we have relied on for three decades.

I want to provide an update on the RFC, our plans for our 30th anniversary, our spring grants, and our general operations.