News & Events

From the Executive Director

From the Executive Director
Jennifer Meeropol is the granddaughter of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg and the daughter of RFC Founder, Robert Meeropol.  Jenn became the Executive Director of the RFC on September 1, 2013.  Prior posts on this page were written by Robert (unless otherwise noted), and represent his opinions, which are not necessarily shared by the RFC.

A confession – I love Thanksgiving.  My wife and I, plus our children and grandchildren, celebrate on Cape Cod with my brother and his family.  It is such a warm and cozy break from what is often the most frenetic time of the year at the Rosenberg Fund for Children.  I often joke – my family will say much too often – that I give thanks on Thanksgiving for surviving until Thanksgiving.

A few days ago The New York Times published an article entitled:  "Occupy Sandy: A Movement Moves to Relief."  I read a similar story two days later published by the Associated Press.

The gist of the stories was that veterans of the Occupy Wall Street movement acted quickly to fill the void left by traditional and governmental relief agencies for those in the areas of Nassau County, Staten Island, Brooklyn and Queens most devastated by Sandy.

As the article reported: