MOTD: Jul 02, 2021

Rosenberg Mention of the Day: Stories and donations continue to stream in to the RFC in response to the June 19th anniversary of Ethel & Julius Rosenberg's executions.

MOTD: Jul 01, 2021

Rosenberg Mention of the Day: The Guardian reviews "Ethel Rosenberg: A Cold War Tragedy" (the UK title of Anne Sebba's new biography) -- "Sebba has dug deep beneath this famous and archetypically… Read More

MOTD: Jun 25, 2021

Strange Fruit Mention of the Day: Announcing a 2nd(!) opportunity next week to hear from RFC Founder Robert Meeropol: a new online event, "Strange Fruit, the Inside Story," hosted by the World… Read More

MOTD: Jun 23, 2021

Rosenberg Mention of the Day: On Tues 6/29 at 7PM EDT, the Odyssey Bookshop is hosting a free (virtual) event, a conversation with Anne Sebba, author of "Ethel Rosenberg: An American Tragedy" and RFC… Read More

MOTD: Jun 22, 2021

Rosenberg Mention of the Day: Thank you to everyone who made the anniversary of June 19th so very meaningful this year, whether you shared your story with us, made a gift to the RFC in honor of Ethel… Read More

MOTD: Jun 21, 2021

Rosenberg Mention of the Day: Fantastic article published over the weekend, featuring deeply personal interviews with RFC Founder Robert Meeropol and RFC Advisory Board Member Michael Meeropol about… Read More

MOTD: Jun 19, 2021

Rosenberg Mention of the Day: On the 68th anniversary of her grandparents’ execution, RFC Executive Director Jenn Meeropol shares her thoughts on another recent anniversary: April 5th marked exactly… Read More

MOTD: Jun 19, 2021

Remembering the Rosenbergs today 💔

MOTD: Jun 19, 2021

In their final letter to their sons, Ethel & Julius Rosenberg wrote that they were "comforted in the sure knowledge that others would carry on after us." On this anniversary of their executions,… Read More

MOTD: Jun 18, 2021

Rosenberg Mention of the Day: As we anticipate tomorrow's anniversary of the execution of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, we can't help but think of the communities of support who kept hope alive and… Read More

MOTD: Jun 16, 2021

We're holding space in our hearts for two momentous anniversaries this week. Being fully in the joy and fully in the grief, as life so often calls upon us to do:

MOTD: Jun 15, 2021

Rosenberg Mention of the Day: Excerpted from her biography "Ethel Rosenberg: An American Tragedy," Anne Sebba's new essay for Lit Hub explores the influence of the Rosenberg trial, the Red Scare era… Read More

MOTD: Jun 14, 2021

Strange Fruit Mention of the Day: The lyrics to "Strange Fruit" were not subtle; the song's author Abel Meeropol juxtaposed the "pastoral scene of the gallant south" against graphic depictions of… Read More

MOTD: Jun 10, 2021

Rosenberg Mention of the Day: Wow! Anne Sebba (Ethel Rosenberg's biographer) published in TIME today: "I fervently believe 2021 is a potent time to look again at Ethel as a woman in her own right,… Read More

MOTD: Jun 10, 2021

Rosenberg Mention of the Day: "The reason why I believe Ethel’s story is as important today as ever is to realize what can happen when fear, a forceful and blunt weapon in the hands of authority,… Read More

MOTD: Jun 09, 2021

Artists as Activists Mention of the Day: The latest from V (formerly Eve Ensler), author of "The Vagina Monologues," and an RFC advisory board member. A powerful take on how societies the world wide… Read More

MOTD: Jun 08, 2021

Rosenberg Mention of the Day: We're pleased to announce that Anne Sebba's new biography "Ethel Rosenberg: An American Tragedy" is available today! It is a powerful and intimate look into Ethel's life… Read More

MOTD: Jun 04, 2021

Strange Fruit Mention of the Day: "An artist's duty, as far as I'm concerned, is to reflect the times.” -Nina Simone #artistsasactivists #strangefruit