News & Events

Guest Blog: Reflecting on my first granting cycle as Granting Coordinator

Blog Post
About nine months ago I joined the staff at the Rosenberg Fund for Children as the new Granting Coordinator. Hearing the stories of the repression these incredible individuals have faced due to their... Read More

Supporting the Children of Anti-War Activists

Blog Post
I watched over the weekend, as I imagine many of you did as well, as the US left Afghanistan, leaving behind chaos, devastation and despair. Rachel, the RFC’s new communications manager, contacted me... Read More

On the 68th anniversary of my grandparents' executions

Blog Post
Today is the 68th anniversary of my grandparents’ execution. But since the start of the year I’ve been more focused on an anniversary we just passed: April 5th marked exactly 70 years since Judge... Read More

'Exonerating Ethel' with Jennifer Meeropol

Press Coverage
On Sunday June 6th at 11 AM EDT, RFC Executive Director (and Ethel Rosenberg's granddaughter) Jenn Meeropol will deliver a virtual, guest presentation "Exonerating Ethel" as part of the Community... Read More

Guest blog: Over $200,000 in Spring 2021 grants

Blog Post
By Tori Montemurro, Granting Coordinator This spring, six new families received RFC grants, joining 64 families whom the Board funded as renewals, and the Board approved one last grant to fund... Read More

"Strange Fruit" and the Magic of Out-of-the-Blue Donations

Blog Post
As someone for whom fundraising is an important part of my job, one of the best and most mysterious occurrences is the seemingly out-of-the-blue donation. I always wish I could ask the donor what... Read More

Executive Director's Report: Working for Better Days Ahead

Blog Post
We all know that 2020 was a very difficult year. It featured a raging pandemic fueled by inept leadership, endless police brutality directed at Black and Indigenous people and other people of color,... Read More

RFC Awards Record-Breaking $230,000+ in Grants

Immigrants’ Rights Whistleblower Targeted $6000 for virtual learning supplies for three children, ages nine to 15, whose mother lost her job and faced threats for exposing flagrant disregard for... Read More

New Ethel Rosenberg Biography in 2021

We’re eagerly anticipating St. Martin’s Press’s June publication of New York Times best-selling author, Anne Sebba’s, newest book, Ethel Rosenberg: An American Tragedy. RFC Founder Robert Meeropol... Read More

RMD & Bequests for the RFC

By Robert Meeropol, RFC Founder It’s been over seven years since I retired as RFC Executive Director. Now I’m getting used to being a senior citizen.  Like many aging people, especially in this... Read More

Building a Virtual Community

COVID-19 has drastically changed the way we connect with each other, but building community remains a high priority for the RFC. While we may be unable to host Gatherings and other in-person events... Read More

New Year, New Staff

The end of 2020 saw new faces joining the RFC as we welcomed Tori Montemurro and Rachel Harb to the staff.

Executive Director's Report: Working for Better Days Ahead

We all know that 2020 was a very difficult year. It featured a raging pandemic fueled by inept leadership, endless police brutality directed at Black and Indigenous people and other people of color,... Read More

Record-Breaking Fall for the RFC

In a year of overwhelming need marked by a global pandemic, economic hardship and escalated targeting of progressive activists, the RFC responded by awarding a record-breaking $230,000+ during our... Read More

Ethel and Billie, Again

Blog Post
Guest blog by RFC Founder Robert Meeropol Six years ago I posted a blog on the RFC website entitled “Strange Convergence” (available here). In it I compared details of the life of my mother, Ethel... Read More

The Rosenberg Fund Reports Record-Breaking Year

Press Coverage
The Reminder By Angelica J. Core January 12, 2021 EASTHAMPTON – In a time of great need, the Rosenberg Fund for Children (RFC) awarded a record-breaking $230,000 in awards in fall 2020 for programs... Read More

2020 Year-end Report from Jennifer Meeropol

Blog Post
This has felt like the longest, most monumental election of my lifetime. While I am enormously grateful that Trump was defeated, the level of support for him and his hateful, racist, homophobic,... Read More

15 Kids Joined RFC Community This Spring
