News & Events

Reflecting on Summers at Camp Kinderland

Blog Post
This summer felt bookended for me by Camp Kinderland in a way I haven’t experienced since I was a teenager attending the camp. In early July, I attended a visiting day at Kinderland to see my teenage... Read More

RFC Virtual Programs Commemorate 70th Anniversary of Rosenbergs’ Executions

Participants logged in from across the United States as well as Britain, France and Canada. We were gratified that so many members of our community–supporters, beneficiaries, friends from allied... Read More

Ten Years as Executive Director

As I reflect on this anniversary, I’m struck by how much has changed over the past decade while the core of our work has remained consistent. Since 2013 we launched the Exonerate Ethel campaign,... Read More

Spring 2023 Grants: Over $230,000 Granted in Spring 2023 as Demand Continues to Spike

In Spring 2023 we awarded a staggering 93 grants - that’s over $230,000 in grant funds in one season. Our new grantees, many of whom are young activists, reflect the myriad of battles in our current... Read More

At the Intersection of Healing & Justice

Throughout our 30+ year history, the Rosenberg Fund for Children has been proud to provide group grants to an organization that works at the intersection of healing and justice, the Heartland... Read More

Rosenberg Sons: Just Security Op Ed

Seventy years after the U.S. government executed Ethel and Julius Rosenberg for "conspiracy to commit espionage," their sons Michael and Robert Meeropol call on Director of Intelligence Avril Haines... Read More

Key Updates

The beautiful graphics throughout the RFC’s new short film, The Rosenberg Case 70 Years Later: Fighting Fascism Then and Now, are the work of graphic artist Abby VanMuijen. The RFC partnered with a... Read More

Bequests Help Ensure our Sustainability

In their final letter to my father and uncle, my grandparents wrote that they were comforted in the sure knowledge that others would carry on after them. This year, as we marked the 70th anniversary... Read More

Guest Blog: Journey to Social Work

Blog Post
My name is Damian, and I'm excited to share my story with you. I'm a Mexican, gay, cis-gender male with learning disabilities, and I've always been passionate about learning new skills and expressing... Read More

Now available: Rosenberg short film "The Rosenberg Case 70 Years Later: Fighting Fascism Then and Now"

Image depicting a still screen from short film commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Rosenbergs' executions
News Item
Now available to stream: "The Rosenberg Case 70 Years Later: Fighting Fascism Then and Now" For folks who missed either of our live screenings in June 2023 (or would like to rewatch or share it), our... Read More

Reflections on the 70th anniversary program

Blog Post
As I mentioned in my May 17th blog post, “70th Anniversary Prep: Connections and Stories,” I’ve spent a lot of time the last few months planning for the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of my... Read More

70 Years Ago Today: June 19, 2023 message from Executive Director Jennifer Meeropol

Blog Post
My grandparents were executed 70 years ago today. In their final letter to my father and uncle they wrote: “We died secure in the knowledge that others would carry on after us.” Since 1990, support... Read More

Guest Blog: Robert & Michael Meeropol call for release of Ethel Rosenberg documents

Blog Post
This morning, June 16, 2023, Just Security published Robert and Michael Meeropol’s request to the National Security Agency (NSA) and the National Archives to release the files related to their mother... Read More

Guest Blog: 20 Years Later, We STILL Have Your Back

Blog Post
Guest blog by Lauren Regan, Executive Director and Senior Staff Attorney for Civil Liberties Defense Center,

70th Anniversary Prep: Connections and Stories

Blog Post
I’ve spent a lot of time the last few months planning for the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of my grandparents’ executions. From initial brainstorming with the RFC staff and Board about what... Read More

Safety in an Imperfect World: Another Granting Cycle Complete at the RFC

Blog Post
At an RFC event years ago, one beneficiary made the point that in a perfect world, the RFC wouldn’t exist. It’s a strange concept to think about as an employee of such a special organization, but it’... Read More

Guest Blog: Drawing Deportation: Art and Resistance Among Immigrant Children

Blog Post
The new book, Drawing Deportation: Art and Resistance Among Immigrant Children hit bookshelves on Valentine’s Day and was described as a love letter to immigrant children. However, it is also bitter... Read More

The Rosenberg Case 70 Years Later: Fighting Fascism Then and Now

You’re invited to join us virtually for the premiere of a short film produced by the RFC on either of two screening dates – June 14th or June 25th. The event will feature Angela Davis, Rosenberg sons... Read More