News & Events

Meeropols Make Ethel Rosenberg FOIA Request

In 2016 my brother Michael and I, in conjunction with the RFC, launched the Exonerate Ethel campaign. We asked then-President Obama to issue a proclamation declaring that our mother’s conviction and... Read More

Over $410,000 Awarded as Eighteen New Families Join the RFC Community

Last fall, the RFC awarded almost $200,000 in grants, which brought our annual total to over $410,000 for the second year in a row. Clearly, there is a significant need for educational and emotional... Read More

Three Years Later, COVID and Our Operations

Almost exactly three years ago, on Friday, March 13th 2020, I emailed the RFC Board to let them know that we were closing the RFC office for two weeks due to COVID-19. I reassured Board members that... Read More

Shop at River Valley Coop, Support the RFC

Change for Change / This month's recipient / Rosenberg Fund for Children
News Item
The Rosenberg Fund for Children has been selected as the March recipient of the River Valley Co-op's "Change for Change" program! For the month of March shoppers at both locations of the Co-op (... Read More

Apply now! RFC spring grants open

A family of five smiles happily and poses for a photo before a river bank. Text over the image reads, "Due March 21 / Apply now! / RFC Spring Grant Applications / Funds for the educational & emotional needs of children of targeted activists & youth activists /"
News Item
Applications for the Rosenberg Fund for Children's spring grants are now open!

2022 Year-end Report from Jennifer Meeropol

Blog Post
This year has felt like a series of seemingly endless crises, from the pandemic to environmental calamity (fires and storms and floods to name just a few) to the frightening rise in antisemitic,... Read More

Guest Blog: A Message of Gratitude

Blog Post
We are heading into the winter holidays on a high note: now that the second half of our granting season has concluded, we can proudly say that altogether we have been able to support a total of 86... Read More

Just Getting Started: Notes from Halfway Through My First Granting Cycle

Blog Post
The last few weeks have been a flurry of activity at the RFC. As summer turned into fall, we received over 80 applications for support from activist parents and guardians all across the country. This... Read More

A New Adventure, A Timeless Mission: Hello From the RFC’s New Granting Coordinator

Blog Post
One of my mother’s earliest childhood memories is hearing one name repeated over and over in conversations around her: “Rosenberg.” It’s no surprise that my mom grew up constantly aware of the... Read More

Guest Blog: Goodbye, RFC!

Blog Post
By Tori Montemurro My two years at the Rosenberg Fund for Children as the Granting Coordinator have sadly come to an end, as I will be moving to Spain to teach English for the year. I am beyond... Read More

A Dozen New Families Join the RFC as Grants Approach $8.5 Million

In our latest granting cycle, the RFC welcomed 12 new families to our beneficiary community, renewed funding for an additional 68 families, and awarded special grants and programs for beneficiaries... Read More

Anniversaries, Milestones and the End of Roe

I’ve been thinking a lot about anniversaries and milestones recently. That’s not surprising, given that the RFC recently wrapped up an 18-plus month celebration of our 30th anniversary (delayed... Read More

A Successful Pivot to Gathering Virtually

The RFC is continuing to explore how to bring members of our community together while travel and gathering together still poses risk of COVID transmission. We are excited to announce that this summer... Read More

Help us Stand with Targeted Youth Activists

In addition to supporting the children of targeted activists, the RFC also supports Targeted Activist Youth (TAY). These young people who faced harassment for their own organizing are eligible for... Read More

Exonerate Update

The crush of national and international events continues to make it difficult to relaunch the Exonerate Ethel campaign. With the midterm elections on our doorstep, we are delaying further until after... Read More

Bequest Support Critical

In their final letter to my father and uncle, my grandparents wrote that they were comforted in the sure knowledge that others would carry on after them. Almost 70 years later, the Rosenberg Fund for... Read More

Dreams for a Broken World

We’re excited to announce that preorders are now open for Dreams for a Broken World, a collection of short stories edited by Julie Day and RFC Advisory Board member Ellen Meeropol. All the proceeds... Read More

Guest Blog: Lessons Learned from Virtual Programming

Blog Post
My experiences over the last two years have been defined by three words: pivot, learn, and adapt. This summer was no exception, as I interned with the RFC and undertook virtual programming.