News & Events

Guest Blog: Bridging Education and Activism

Blog Post
(Guest blog by former RFC beneficiary Davíd Morales) I remember the exact moment I received the email from school admin, a couple of days before my high school graduation, notifying me that I would… Read More

Group Grants Support Multi-Generational Activism

Blog Post
The RFC turns 30 next year. Many of our supporters have been with us for most, if not all, of the past three decades but I bet even some of them may not know about a small but vital grant program:… Read More

Bequest & "RMD" Support Critical

In their final letter to my father and uncle, my grandparents wrote that they were comforted in the sure knowledge that others would carry on after them.

Spring Grants Bring Total Awarded to More than $7 Million

NEW GRANTS Pipeline Protestor Imprisoned $4500 for school tuition for four children, ages seven to 13, whose environmental activist father shut down a pipeline to bring attention to the harm… Read More

Sales of Limited Edition Photo of Pete Seeger Benefit RFC

In celebration of the 2019 centennial of Pete Seeger's birth, fine art photographer Robert Floyd has produced a limited edition of nine, 13” x 19” prints of his candid 1979 photo of Pete Seeger at a… Read More

Welcome on Board!

During the past year, three new members joined the RFC Board. Claudia Quintero came to us last fall.

Group Grants Support Multi-Generational Activism

The RFC turns 30 next year. Many of our supporters have been with us for most, if not all, of the past three decades but I bet even some of them may not know about a small but vital grant program:… Read More

Remembering Pete Seeger

May 3, 2019, was the 100th anniversary of Pete Seeger’s birth. Pete was a beloved part of the RFC community, a generous founding member (with his wife Toshi) of our Advisory Board, and prior to that… Read More

Guest Blog: Remembering Tom Manning

Blog Post
30 March, 2010"I'm in the hole down here in Coleman (USP#1) Florida, Hoping to be let out into general population soon, after being dragged through the SHU's (holes) of several prisons over the past… Read More


Blog Post
[en español] It was just over a year ago that images of small children in cages on U.S. soil, crying for their parents, caused widespread outrage and disgust towards those responsible for… Read More

On the 66th anniversary of my grandparents' executions

Blog Post
I’ve been thinking a lot about family in the lead up to the 66th anniversary of the execution of my grandparents, Ethel and Julius Rosenberg. In part, that’s because my first emotional connection to… Read More

Remembering Pete Seeger on his 100th Birthday

Blog Post
In honor of today's centennial of Pete Seeger's birth, I'm re-posting this blog my father, RFC Founder Robert Meeropol, and I wrote following Pete's death in January, 2014. A collection of photos,… Read More

On Going Harassment Makes Support Critical

Blog Post
Along with the inspiring and affirming messages from our supporters (highlighted in the cover story of our most recent newsletter), we also receive a steady stream of communication from our grantees… Read More

Near-Record Amount Awarded After Flood of Applications


MA in March, DC in April

This spring we’ve got two exciting events planned which promise to be uplifting for attendees while raising funds for our work helping the children of resistance. Both dates will feature activist… Read More

Ongoing Harassment Makes Support Critical

Along with the inspiring and affirming messages from supporters highlighted in our cover story, we also receive a steady stream of communication from our grantees. These updates come from parents of… Read More

Thank You for Writing

Day in and day out, we receive touching, feisty and amusing notes from our supporters. They arrive via email and surface mail; printed, typed and handwritten; accompanying monetary or other donations… Read More

2018 Year-End Message from Jenn Meeropol

Blog Post
“My daughter studied the KKK at school... she is not only worried about the government repression [for my organizing] but about the possibility of racist physical attacks against us as well.”