News & Events

A Beautiful, Woke, Full of Love Weekend

With generous funding support from the Fineshriber Family Foundation and several anonymous donors, the RFC convened the latest Carry it Forward Gathering last August. Twenty-three of our college age… Read More

It is No Secret

Blog Post
Guest blog  by Robert Meeropol, Rosenberg Fund for Children Founder & son of Ethel & Julius Rosenberg It is no secret that Trump’s election spurred more people to donate to progressive… Read More

New Grantees Include Labor and Racial Justice Advocates

Blog Post
We’re in the midst of awarding our fall 2017 grants. To date, six new grantees have joined the RFC community and additional new applications are pending. So far, the new grantees include:

Guest Blog: Abel Meeropol Social Justice Writing Award

Blog Post
The RFC is a proud sponsor of the first-ever Abel Meeropol Social Justice Writing Award, which will be presented by Straw Dog Writers Guild to poet Patricia Smith on Sunday, November 12 at Gateway… Read More

Bequests Can Help Fund Our Future

In their final letter to my father and uncle, my grandparents wrote that they were comforted in the sure knowledge that others would carry on after them.

Seven New Families Join the RFC Community

NEW GRANTS Mother Harassed for Giving Prisoners A Voice $6000 for sports activities for the four siblings, ages 14 to 18, whose mother spoke out against inhumane treatment of prisoners while she was… Read More

Upcoming Art & Activism Events

We hope you can join us at our art & activism events coming up this fall. Visit for more details on the programs below. Sat, Sep 9th: "Hip Hop and Activism" workshop with… Read More

Farewell Alli, Welcome Sophie

Our prior Granting Coordinator, Alli Langley, left the Rosenberg Fund for Children in August. She’s headed to law school, where she plans to continue to serve the progressive community. “I am honored… Read More

Executive Director's Report: 10 Years at the RFC

This summer marks my 10th year as a staff member at the Rosenberg Fund for Children. While I no longer feel like a new employee, it’s hard to believe I’ve worked here for a decade. I joined the RFC… Read More

The Art of Resistance

As RFC Advisory Board member Angela Davis has noted, “Artists are an integral part of any movement for justice.” Artists were among the most prominent supporters of the fight to save Ethel and Julius… Read More

"Full of Joy": the 2017 Carry it Forward Gathering

Blog Post
The RFC held our ninth Gathering the first weekend in August.

Meet Pamela Means

Blog Post
Most members of the RFC Board of Directors live in western Massachusetts and have strong ties to local, regional and/or national activist communities.

Sons of Cold War spies reinvestigate their parents' case

Press Coverage
It was called "The Crime of the Century," one of the most famous espionage cases of the Cold War.  In 1953, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were sent to the electric chair for conspiring to provide… Read More

Visiting Ethel & Julius in Havana

Blog Post
(guest blog by RFC Communications Director, Amber Black)It’s large, the monument. It resides on a nondescript corner of an intersection in Havana, Cuba. The striking portrait in stone honors a young… Read More

June 19, 2017: Honoring Ethel and Julius and Anne and Abel

Blog Post
On this 64th anniversary of the execution of my grandparents, I’m struck by a related milestone that passed without fanfare a few months ago: the 60th anniversary of my dad and uncle’s adoption by… Read More

RFC Families and Kinship of Clover

Blog Post
My mother, Ellen Meeropol, calls herself "a literary late bloomer.” After careers in art and medicine, she started seriously writing fiction eighteen years ago when she was well into her 50s, and has… Read More

Prisoners' Rights, Racial and Environmental Justice Activists Join the RFC Community

Blog Post
We just finished awarding over $190,000 in grants for the first half of 2017. In addition to the four new beneficiaries discussed in my previous blog , three more new families have joined the RFC… Read More

The Sins of the Father Shall Not Be Visited on the Son

Press Coverage
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg's son has devoted his life to aiding children of imprisoned radical leftists. And his work is about to become more urgent than ever.