$1500 for chess club, sports and tutoring for the 11 year-old son of an antifascist organizer and independent journalist who was physically assaulted and threatened by armed Proud Boys while covering a recruitment event. After being forced to defend herself with pepper spray, she was arrested and jailed.
$9000 for homeschooling expenses for six children, ages 10 to 18, from two families. Their fathers spoke out against the Iraq war and were falsely accused of terrorist activity and hunted by the FBI as a result.
$6600 for music equipment, tutoring, therapy and a CIF award for four children, ages six to 20, from three families whose parents were fired for advocating for racial justice and free press rights.
$4000 for childcare and recreational activities for three children, ages five to 12, whose mom faced harassment and surveillance for advocating for political prisoners unjustly targeted in the U.S. “war on terror.”
$1500 for tutoring for the 10-year-old daughter whose father, a journalist, was attacked while covering a neo-Nazi rally. He was arrested and had his camera confiscated while his attacker walked free
$1000 for martial arts training for an eight-year-old girl whose mom went public about being stopped by a Customs and Border Patrol agent because she was speaking Spanish. She took legal action and had to move to escape the harassment she endured for speaking out.
$9000 for homeschooling expenses for six children, ages nine to 18, from two families. Their fathers spoke out against the Iraq war and were falsely accused of terrorist activity and hunted by the FBI as a result.
$5600 for a broad range of programs and a CIF award for four children, ages 5 to 19, from three families whose parents were fired for advocating for equity in schools, racial justice and free press rights.
$3000 for childcare and recreational activities for three children, ages four to 11, whose mom faced harassment and surveillance for advocating for political prisoners unjustly targeted in the U.S. “war on terror.”
$2000 for arts programming for two children, ages 10 and 13, whose father leaked documents that exposed racist surveillance tactics in the U.S. He was sentenced to prison and forced to liquidate all assets to pay legal fees.