$5600 for a broad range of programs and a CIF award for four children, ages 5 to 19, from three families whose parents were fired for advocating for equity in schools, racial justice and free press rights.
$1000 for therapeutic activities for the 17-year-old son whose father was killed by police; the family has had to relocate to avoid police harassment as they fight to end police shootings for good.
$1500 for therapy for the 17-year-old son whose father was killed by police; the family has had to relocate to avoid police harassment as they fight to end police shootings for good.
$8200 for a broad range of programs for seven children, ages four to 21, from four families whose parents were fired for advocating for equity in schools, racial justice and free press rights.
$7000 for a broad range of programs for five children, ages four to 18, from four families whose parents were fired for advocating for equity in schools, racial justice and free press rights.
$8000 for a broad range of programs for six children, ages three to 18, from four families whose parents were fired for advocating for equality for their students, racial justice and journalists’ free speech rights.
$9100 for a broad range of programs for seven children, ages three to 22, from four families whose parents were fired for advocating for equality for their students, BLM, and journalist’s free speech rights.
$1000 for camping equipment for the 14-year-old son whose father, an independent journalist, was fired and blacklisted for expressing progressive views and covering controversial topics.
$2600 for sports activities and a CIF award for the 13 and 21-year-old sons whose father, an independent journalist, was fired and blacklisted for expressing progressive views and covering controversial topics.