$5000 for Targeted Activist Youth (TAY) Development grants for five college students ages 21 to 23 who were beaten and charged with felonies for peacefully protesting the profound inequities in their state’s education system.

$4500 for educational and therapeutic support for three children, ages five, 10 and 13, from two activist families who have faced years of rippling effects of FBI targeting and persecution for anti-racist organizing.
$3600 to support STEM education for three children, ages 13 to 21, whose father spoke out against the Iraq war, was falsely accused of terrorist activity and was hunted by the FBI in an attempt to silence him.
$1500 for therapy for the 17-year-old son whose father was killed by police; the family has had to relocate to avoid police harassment as they fight to end police shootings for good.
$1500 for educational services for a 15-year-old Black student in a majority-white school who filed a civil rights lawsuit after a teacher shoved and berated her for declining to say the pledge of allegiance.
$1500 for organizing support for a 15-year-old drag performer and gender liberation activist who builds safe spaces for gender-nonconforming youth despite years of harassment.
$1500 for educational support for the 11-year-old boy whose mother faced threats against her business and her personal safety for helping to protect Black women’s rights to reproductive autonomy.
$8200 for a broad range of programs for seven children, ages four to 21, from four families whose parents were fired for advocating for equity in schools, racial justice and free press rights.
$6000 for homeschooling support for four children ages eight to 15 whose family fled the U.S. to escape the FBI’s harassment of their father for his public opposition to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. He was arrested, tortured and extradited back to the U.S., which forced the family to relocate once again.
$4000 for tutoring for two children, ages nine and 12, whose father leaked documents that exposed racist surveillance tactics in the U.S. He was sentenced to prison and forced to liquidate all assets to pay legal fees.