$4800 for school tuition and three CIF awards for five siblings, ages 15-22, whose mother is an immigrants’ rights activist. As a result of her organizing, her asylum case was delayed for 12 years, making it difficult for her to gain employment; this caused her family great financial stress and led them to become unhoused for more than four years.

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$4100 for childcare and a CIF award for the three siblings, ages 11 to 18, whose mother is a prominent racial justice activist. As a result of her organizing, the family has been targeted by individuals reporting false emergency situations with the family, drawing a large police presence to the family house and exposing the entire family to possible police violence and significant trauma.

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$1500 for homeschooling support for the 13-year-old environmental activist who began a public protest every Friday afternoon to raise awareness of global heating. While many other students were allowed to make up work if they missed school for educational reasons, he was expelled and faced harassment from truck drivers who used their big rigs to smog him.

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