$14,100 for educational and sports programs and a CIF award for 10 children, ages four to 20, from four families who have spent years organizing against environmental racism in their communities and have faced targeting by employers and police.
$3000 for tutoring for the two children, ages 11 and 17, whose mother, a teacher, fought for the well-being of all students after her young autistic child was physically assaulted by a school aide. As a result of her efforts, the school fired the mother and reported her as an unfit parent.
$4000 for education and sports supplies for four children, ages three to 15, whose dad has been denied employment ever since his name was leaked as an opponent of the enormous and powerful landfill company that is polluting a rural, mostly Black town.
$1000 for childcare for the three-year-old daughter of a town’s first Black mayor, a longtime community activist, who has been systematically barred from assuming office and suspended from his EMT position by corrupt town officials who do not want to see him in power.
$9600 for educational and sports programs and a CIF award for seven children, ages two to 18, from three families who have spent years organizing against environmental racism in their communities and have faced targeting by employers and police.
$2100 for educational and sports supplies, including a CIF award, for the 17 and 19-year-old children whose family faced harassment after their mother held school personnel accountable for wildly inappropriate behavior towards her daughter and other female students.
$3000 for tutoring for the two children, ages 10 and 16, whose mother, a teacher, fought for the well-being of all students after her young autistic child was physically assaulted by an aide at school. As a result of her efforts, the school fired her and reported her as an unfit parent.
$3000 for tutoring for the two children, ages 10 and 16, whose mother, a teacher, fought for the well-being of all students after her young autistic child was physically assaulted by an aide at school. As a result of her efforts, the school fired her and reported her as an unfit parent.
$1500 for childcare for the three-year-old daughter of a town’s first Black mayor, a longtime community activist, who has been systematically barred from assuming office and suspended from his EMT position by a corrupt group of town officials who do not want to see him in power.
$11,100 for educational services and recreational opportunities, including a CIF award, for seven children, ages two to 19, from four families who have spent years organizing against environmental racism in their communities and have faced targeting by employers and police.