$4200 for recreational activities and two Carry it Forward1 (CIF) awards for four siblings, ages 16 to 22, whose family faced harassment after their mother filed a complaint to hold school personnel accountable for their outrageously inappropriate behavior towards female students.

$3000 for summer camp and music lessons for two children, ages five and seven, whose mom, a water protector, was arrested for disrupting the construction of a pipeline and faced harassment by local officials forcing the family to relocate.
$3000 for a computer and sports equipment for two brothers, ages 13 and 16, whose grandmother and father organized against environmental racism, specifically against the creation of a landfill in their town. As a result, they were targeted by local police and other officials.
$3000 for mental health services and recreational activities for the two daughters, ages four and 15, whose mom, a reproductive justice activist in a southern city, faced online harassment and attacks as a result of her efforts to ensure access to vital reproductive health care for all. The attacks scared the entire family, forcing them to relocate.
$3000 for five CIF awards for five children from three families whose parents were targeted for their human rights organizing in their home countries and were forced to relocate to the US.
$2600 for childcare and recreational activities for three children, ages three to 10, whose mom faced harassment and surveillance for advocating for political prisoners unjustly targeted in the U.S. “war on terror.”
$2500 for school tuition and a Targeted Activist Youth2 (TAY) Development grant for a youth activist and eight-year-old daughter from two families. Both the youth activist and the mother were fired for organizing a union at their Starbucks.
$1500 for childcare for the three-year-old son whose mother advocated against coal ash being dumped in town. Due to her activism, she was denied employment and forced to relocate to find work
$1000 for a TAY Development grant for the 24-year-old animal rights activist who is facing eight felony charges for nonviolent animal liberation actions taken against factory farms after whistleblowers shared footage exposing animal cruelty.
$1500 for summer camp for the eight-year-old daughter whose mom is a recognized leader at her college. They have both been threatened by those opposed to racial justice events the mom has organized on campus.