News & Events

Report-back from 2013 SDS National Convention

Blog Post
(guest post by Students for a Democratic Society)Student activists from across the country convened on the campus of Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, Tennessee on the weekend of Oct. 11-… Read More

Over $200,000 Awarded in the First Half of 2013!

This spring the RFC awarded grants to 72 families totaling just over $200,000. One is a new special Group Grant, the remaining 71 are renewal grants to aid 145 children. The continuing targeting of… Read More

The Next Generation Steps Up

One of the themes of the CARRY IT FORWARD program was the transmission of progressive values to future generations (see full story here).

Bequests Fund the Future

In their final letter to my father and uncle, my grandparents wrote that they were comforted in the sure knowledge that others would carry on after them.

Executive Director's Report: Hello!

This is my first report as Executive Director of the Rosenberg Fund for Children, a job I assumed on September 1st from the founder and only previous leader of the RFC, my father Robert Meeropol.

New Faces, Changing Roles

Several major moves have happened recently at the RFC office. After six years running our granting program and other duties, Jennifer Meeropol has taken over from her father (the RFC’s founder,… Read More

Granddaughter of Rosenbergs will take over fund

Press Coverage
By James Sullivan, September 3, 2013 EASTHAMPTON — When Jenn Meeropol’s second-grade teacher began introducing her students to social studies, her first question for them was, “What does government… Read More

A kinship with Bradley Manning

Press Coverage
August 12, 2013 - Robert Meeropol considers Bradley Manning a hero, and in an op-ed published in the Los Angeles Times, declared, "...those responsible for the things Manning revealed will go… Read More

Out of the horror of the Rosenbergs' executions, a force for good

Press Coverage
Robert Meeropol and Jenn, Saturday 15 June 2013 08.30 EDT

60th Anniversary of Rosenberg Execution, Marked by Easthampton Organization

Press Coverage
Date: 06/14/2013Contributor: Karen Brown Dateline: Easthampton, MA  

The Rosenberg Fund for Children's "Constructive Revenge"

Press Coverage
Sam Roberts, Urban affairs correspondent, "New York Times"Posted: 06/12/2013 12:24 pm

Leadership of Rosenberg Fund for Children passed on to father-founder's daughter

Press Coverage
By MADELEINE LIST Gazette Contributing Writer Friday, June 14, 2013(Published in print: Saturday, June 15, 2013) EASTHAMPTON — The Rosenberg Fund for Children’s slogan is “carry it forward.” For its… Read More

Basking in the Glow

Blog Post
We’re still feeling the effects of lost sleep, but we’re also basking in the glow of the most dramatically successful program we’ve ever produced.  Sitting in the darkened theater Sunday… Read More

The Final Days of My Parents’ Lives

Blog Post
The RFC’s program, Carry it Forward, will take place this Sunday evening, June 16th, just days before the exact date of the 60th anniversary of my parents’ execution.  In response to this timing… Read More

10 Days To Go

Blog Post
Only ten days until Carry it Forward, the RFC’s program at Town Hall in New York City to commemorate the 60th anniversary of my parents’ execution, will take place.  It has become extremely… Read More

The FBI Took the Pictures

Blog Post
We Are Your Sons, the book my brother and I published in 1975, was translated into several languages, including Turkish.  Last year the woman who did that translation contacted me again and… Read More

One Bright Spot

Blog Post
Earlier this week I read that Lynne Stewart, the radical lawyer who is serving a ten-year prison for distributing press releases on behalf of a client who was convicted of terrorist conspiracy, had… Read More

Nervous Time

Blog Post
Next week will be a nervous time for me at the RFC because we should receive a flood of ticket orders for our program CARRY IT FORWARD: Celebrate the Children of Resistance.  We’ve been planning… Read More