News & Events

Goodbye Old Friends

Blog Post
On Monday, April 22nd, the RFC lost one old friend and I found out about the passing of another.  They are both on my mind.

Imprisoned for Blogging

Blog Post
For the second week in a row I am compelled to write about someone represented by the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR), and more particularly by my daughter, Rachel Meeropol, who is a senior… Read More

Activism Skyrockets, RFC Confronts Increasing Need

This fall the RFC awarded almost $180,000 to 82 families with 155 children in 23 states and Puerto Rico. Seven are new grants, the remaining 75 are renewal grants to current RFC families. This brings… Read More

New Donor Honors Family Legacy

I received a moving email early in 2013 from “Amy,” the new RFC contributor (pictured here with her parents in the 1970's), who wanted to explain why she supports the RFC and what this connection… Read More

Executive Director's Report: Goodbye

This is my last report as Executive Director of the Rosenberg Fund for Children. When our next newsletter is published in September, Jenn Meeropol, my daughter, will be filling this ­position.… Read More

June 16: Remember Ethel & Julius and Bid Farewell to Robert

Sixty years ago this June, a mother and father wrote to their little boys, ages six and 10, for the last time. In that letter from Sing Sing Prison’s death row, Ethel and Julius Rosenberg told… Read More

FBI Generated Terrorist Plots

Blog Post
 In January, Trevor Aaronson, a senior fellow at the Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism at Brandeis University, published The Terror Factor: Inside the FBI’s Manufactured War on… Read More

Punks & Anarchists Turn Out to Help the RFC

Blog Post
Guest blog by Amber Black, RFC Public Relations & Technology Coordinator With panels like, “Anarchy and Democracy: What’s the Difference?” and “State Repression of Social Movements in the U.S.… Read More

Helping Activist Parents Protect their Children

Blog Post
Guest blog by Jenn Meeropol, RFC Associate Director We often talk about the families who receive our grants as part of the “RFC community.” I was reminded of the strength of the connections and… Read More

60th Anniversary Event Progress Report

Blog Post
Since the turn of the year we’ve received an increasing number of inquiries about our program, Carry it Forward: Celebrate the Children of Resistance, to be held on June 16th, 2013 to commemorate the… Read More

Big Surprise: U.S. Secret Police & Big Banks Conspire to Smash Dissent

Blog Post
 In November 2011, shortly after the violent government crackdown on the two-month old Occupy Wall Street movement, I blogged here, “It is not surprising that OWS became intolerable to the… Read More

Thanksgiving & Leonard Peltier

Blog Post
A confession – I love Thanksgiving.  My wife and I, plus our children and grandchildren, celebrate on Cape Cod with my brother and his family.  It is such a warm and cozy break from what is… Read More

60 Years Since the Supreme Court Ducked My Parents’ Case

Blog Post
On October 13, 1952, the United States Supreme Court denied certiorari - that is declined to review the record - in my parents’ case for the first time.  Under federal law, anyone convicted of a… Read More

"Who Bombed Judi Bari?" Revisited

Blog Post
Last April I wrote here about a new documentary that was to be released soon about Judi Bari, a courageous woman who had a strong impact on me and the RFC project in its early stages.

Almost $190,000 Awarded in First Half of 2012

This spring we awarded 70 grants totaling just under $190,000. As activism grows, as police attack demonstrators, and as courts treat protestors as terrorists, more children may endure their parents… Read More

Vítima da Guerra Fria cria projetos para ajudar crianças nos EUA

Press Coverage
An in-depth interview of Robert Meeropol by Genton Mroaes Neto for the Brazilian Globo News program "Dossiê". Intro and questions in Portuguese but Robert's responses in English, with Portueguese… Read More

Creativity Makes Our Community Blossom

From the start, the RFC has nurtured and valued creativity. The Fund is Robert Meeropol’s inventive approach to turning the negative in his life into a positive — what he calls his “constructive… Read More

Bequests Ensure Our Future

Over the past 20 years, the RFC has received numerous legacy gifts from the estates of dozens of people. This most thoughtful help honors us. You have the power to ensure that the RFC will remain a… Read More