News & Events

Meeropol on Wikileaks

Press Coverage
By Tom Sturm January 20, 2011

In Northampton, linking legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. to contemporary action

Press Coverage
By SUZANNE WILSON Staff Writer Tuesday, January 18, 2011 NORTHAMPTON - ...Robert Meeropol, executive director of the Rosenberg Fund for Children in Easthampton, linked the fate of his birth parents… Read More

Robert Meeropol, son of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, assails federal government at Northampton Martin Luther King Day ceremony

Press Coverage
Published: Monday, January 17, 2011, 3:47 PM Updated: Monday, January 17, 2011, 6:24 PM By Sandra Constantine, The Republican

Digital Divide interview with Robert Meeropol regarding WikiLeaks and our right to information-

Press Coverage
program: The Digital Divide program date: Fri, 01/14/2011 Rabia Yeaman interviews Robert Meeropol, attorney and the son of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg. We'll discuss the governments attempts to stifle… Read More

The fight to protect Julian Assange

Press Coverage
The US Espionage Act of 1917 is a threat to an open society; used to send dissenters to prison for voicing their opinions, transforming dissent into treason, argued Robert Meeropol. Will WikiLeak’s… Read More

Son of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg: "My Parents Were Executed Under the Unconstitutional Espionage Act—Here’s Why We Must Fight to Protect Julian Assange"

Press Coverage
December 30, 2010- As the Justice Department considers charging WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange under the Espionage Act of 1917, we speak with Robert Meeropol, the son of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg—… Read More

My Parents Were Executed Under the Unconstitutional Espionage Act -- Here's Why We Must Fight to Protect Julian Assange

Press Coverage
The Espionage Act is a huge danger to our open society; it's been used to send hundreds of dissenters to jail just for voicing their opinions, transforming dissent into treason. December 29, 2010

Activist Levasseur Speaks in Northampton

Press Coverage
Raymond Luc Levasseur was a militant activist who was acquitted of sedition during a trial in Springfield in the 1980s. He was convicted on other charges stemming from the Ohio seven's bombing of… Read More

Raymond Luc Levasseur thanks Rosenberg Fund for Children in a celebration in Northampton

Press Coverage
NORTHAMPTON – In its first year the Rosenberg Fund for Children spent exactly $805 to send two children to send two children to a Quaker summer camp, which charged exactly $402.50 per child.

Terrorist Speaking at Northampton Event

Press Coverage
Terrorist speaking at Northampton event Raymond Luc Lavasseur convicted of 70's bombings Updated: Friday, 15 Oct 2010, 6:24 PM EDT Published : Friday, 15 Oct 2010, 1:21 PM EDT * Shane Symolon

Convicted bomber Raymond Luc Levasseur to speak at Northampton fund-raiser for Rosenberg Fund for Children

Press Coverage
Diane Lederman, The Republican October 15, 2010 NORTHAMPTON – The last time convicted bomber Raymond Luc Levasseur was scheduled as part of a panel at the University of Massachusetts, the planned… Read More

Activist Ray Levasseur Comes to WMass - A Year After Denial By UMass

Press Coverage
AMHERST, MA (wfcr) - Ray Levasseur -- a former radical political activist -- is making his first appearance in Western Massachusetts since 1989, when he was tried for sedition in Springfield as part… Read More

Board, volunteers key to Rosenberg Fund's success

Press Coverage
By Daily Hampshire Gazette Created 10/14/2010 To the editor:

Former inmate, activist now free to speak out

Press Coverage
By Rick Wormwood October 12, 2010 Last year, when Ray Luc Levasseur was invited to speak on the University of Massachusetts — Amherst campus to commemorate the anniversary of a federal sedition trial… Read More

The Price of Activism

Press Coverage
By Stephanie Kraft Thursday, October 14, 2010 Activists who abandon normal lives to serve political and social causes suffer in many ways. They may lose their lives; they may go to prison; they may… Read More

Gala Offers Chance to Hear Ray Levasseur

Press Coverage
To the editor: I am writing to applaud reporter James Lowe for his Sept. 25 stories on the Rosenberg Fund for Children's upcoming 20th Anniversary Gala in Northampton, featuring Ray Levasseur as… Read More

Rosenberg Fund marks 20 years helping children of militant activists

Press Coverage
By James Lowe, staff writer Saturday, September 25, 2010 NORTHAMPTON - When militant activist Raymond Luc Levasseur was locked up in some of the country's highest-security prisons, the Easthampton-… Read More

After thwarted visit last year, Levasseur poised to appear in Valley next month

Press Coverage
By James Lowe, staff writer Saturday, September 25, 2010 NORTHAMPTON - Protests and parole restrictions thwarted Raymond Luc Levasseur's last planned visit to the Pioneer Valley, but won't prevent… Read More