News & Events

Executive Director's Report: 60 Years Ago

The first time I spent a summer outside of New York City was 60 years ago. I had just turned five and was not yet in school. In a way I was lucky that I was young enough to be insulated from the… Read More

Thank You, Bob!

In the 1970’s, following a screening of a documentary about the Rosenberg Case, Bob Winston, a life-long social justice advocate, introduced himself to Robert Meeropol. They didn’t know then that Bob… Read More

Militarized Police

Blog Post
Monday I read a report that demonstrators in Burlington, Vermont (a left-oriented city that has sometimes been dubbed the People’s Republic of Burlington), were attacked by police in full riot gear… Read More

EUA de hoje têm traços do macartismo, diz filho do casal Rosenberg

Press Coverage
21/06/2012 - 05h00 CLAUDIA ANTUNES DO RIO Robert Meeropol, nascido Rosenberg, tinha 6 anos quando seus pais, o engenheiro Julius e a sindicalista Ethel, foram executados nos EUA em 1953, no auge do… Read More

Filho do casal Rosenberg fará palestras em São Paulo

Press Coverage
Publicado em Terça, 19 Junho 2012 14:24 Escrito por DC

O caso Rosenberg em São Paulo

Press Coverage
Enviado por luisnassif, ter, 19/06/2012 - 18:51 21/6, QUINTA, das 19h30 às 21h O Caso Rosenberg – O Julgamento de Julius e Ethel Rosenberg

Ativista pela paz Robert Meeropol chega ao Rio para palestras

Press Coverage

‘Meu pai fez espionagem, mas não atômica’, diz filho de Rosenberg

Press Coverage
06.06.12 Vitor Sorano

Filho quer resgatar imagem do Casal Rosenberg

Press Coverage
06.16.12 Vitor Sorano

Heading for Brazil

Blog Post
I’m convinced that humans make a big deal out of anniversaries in multiples of 10 because we have ten fingers. The RFC is not immune to this trend. We’ve staged major programs in New York City on… Read More

First Person: Robert Meeropol

Press Coverage
My parents were Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, American communists executed in 1953 for conspiracy to commit espionage. I was three years old when they were arrested and six when they were executed.

Who Bombed Judi Bari?

Blog Post
I first met Judi Bari in November 1991, just a little over a year after I founded the RFC. We both attended a conference held at the Highlander Center at which 30 environmental and civil rights… Read More

Bad Medicine from the Mainstream Media

Blog Post
Watching the media coverage of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) just published book, The Evolving Threat of Antimicrobial Resistance – Options for Action, may teach us more about how the… Read More

Executive Director's Report: Our Survival Depends Upon It!

Normal 0 false false false EN-US JA X-NONE DefSemiHidden="true" DefQFormat="false" DefPriority="99" LatentStyleCount="267"> UnhideWhenUsed="false" QFormat… Read More

A Record 19 New Families Join RFC Community in 2011

This fall we awarded 78 grants totaling almost $180,000. Nine of these awards were to new families. This brings our granting total for 2011 to $369,570, an increase of almost $10,000 over 2010. We… Read More

The Most Exciting Weekend Ever

Nineteen RFC beneficiaries ages 18 to 24, and four peer leaders, from 13 states plus Puerto Rico, participated in the 2011 Carry it Forward Gathering along with workshop leaders, RFC staff and Board… Read More